What is Marketing ??

"Marketing is an Organisational Function, a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to the customer and managing customer relationship in ways to benefit the organisation and its stakeholder" - Phillip Kotler

Is Marketing an Art or Science??

Marketing is both an Art & Science.

Marketing is art because it is about appreciating the nuances of human behavior. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty is art. 

Marketing is art because it is creating demand for your product. Some of the demand is immediate and some of it is in the future. You can use Science to predict the future part but you might pick a number based on art. There is always an unknown aspect that we attribute to art. Marketing is an art because there is an issue of Branding which is difficult to measure. To generate a good return on Marketing Investment requires a creative approach. That means applying the art of marketing.

Marketing is Science because it is about understanding & influencing behaviors. Psychology,  the science of behaviors studies how people respond to certain stimuli in predictable ways. This is similar to Newton 3rd Law- case - effects.
Marketing is Science because it is about measuring and analysing  numbers. How many do you reach? How many read your message? How many buy again? The numeric question and answers are important to the success of Marketing.
Marketing is Science because the most common question is "How much money should I spend on Marketing. The business owner and the accountant wants the answer to this question. It is good question but the more important question is "What return can you expect from your marketing?"

Many marketers try to portray marketing as art and give up responsibility for their marketing programs. They suggest that marketing is all chance. Instead it is a science that should draw upon the art. Use science to determine major decisions & use the art for the nuances. Importantly the science should lead and measure and the art should inspire & create.

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